After commenting and reading my friends blogs I’m finding it
very interesting to see their opinions and thoughts on current affairs and the
uni course in general.
After looking at Jenna’s blog
I had to admit that I agreed with her, all of my friends are
moaning about their courses and how boring they are… (I’m not saying that ICCT
is the most exciting subject in the world mind) But the variety of modules we
have from; Programming, Maths, Physics, Networking etc.. We are never doing the
same work over and over!! It might be tough or some of the subjects may be
difficult but overall I enjoy it J
One of the benefits about doing this course is learning about
forever developing technology. No matter what is created there will always be
something better around the corner. One thing I found interesting was Jumana’s
blog about the person-to-persons money transfer app.
This is a huge development and just proves how fast
technology is developing. I just love reading and learning about these kind of
things and my course helps me understand them even more J