I rarely sit down and watch tv (unless its eastenders) But I LOVE embarrassing bodies, I find it soo funny.. Because if you are truly THAT embarrassed about something why on earth would you go on tv to get your bits and bobs, your woohaa or weird moles out for them to zoom in on and show the world? Clearly cant be making your life that much of a misery? But after looking at my previous blog to do with iPhones I found this article strangely relevant..
The news series is returning with a bang and allowing people to check their health with a free downloadable app for iPhones called ‘’My health checker’’. It is also allowing patients to speak to consultants via skype!
I cant wait to watch all of the ‘’embarrassed’’ people loving the attention and as for the iPhone app.. Has anybody got an iPhone I can lend :P Would love a go of it!!

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